Friday, May 1, 2009

Our products

TweetTwain Lite 1.0(Beta)

TweetTwain Lite is a free small and easy to use application that will help you manage all your tweets, schedule them, search and add new followers, auto tweet etc.

TweetTwain Lite 1.0(Beta) Features:
1. OAuth based authentication
2. Schedule tweets: Create tweets and schedule it whenever you want to publish. TweetTwain will publish the tweet on the specified time and date.
3. Search and follow: Search for a brand or keyword, TweetTwain will silently follow all the users matching the search criteria*.
4. Monitor your feed and tweet new posts: Add your blog feed url, TweetTwain will monitor your blog and will publish the new posts automatically!
5. In-built url shortening: TweetTwain automates the process of url shortening
6. Tweet alerts: Alerts for new tweets.
7. Direct Message alerts


This is a desktop tool to extract data from any pdf.

1. Rule based data extraction
2. Pdf Metadata editor
3. Export data to CSV(Comma Separated Value) file
4. Supports Windows/Linux/Solaris/Mac
5. Includes sub directories
6. File/Folder exclusion rules

Click here to view more details.